My ears are ringing. Loudly. I can't even begin to imagine how much Bailey and Logan's ears must be spinning.
I did a very bad thing this morning. I went to the bathroom. Ridiculously, I thought, "I'll just be a minute, and Dan's on his way home. I'll just leave them in the living room, they'll be fine."
Last time I think something like that....
Something sounded like an bomb exploding. But, instead of stopping, the sound kept going. And going. And going.
I frantically ran into the living room.
Bailey and Logan were clutching each other and shaking. Logan was screaming at the top of his lungs. Not that I could actually hear him scream. But his face was red, he was shaking, and his mouth was wide open. I could see Bailey mouthing, "mommy, mommy, help. I sorry, mommy."
Bailey had managed to open the tv stand (so much for child locks) and had accidentally turned the radio all the way up, so my mom's CD was blasting through the house.
Poor babies. Bad mommy.