Teryl called and asked if we could bring the kids to the park, as there were a group of homeschoolers meeting there. So, we made Bailey a peanut butter sandwich, and off we went.
It's always an odd thing to revisit something after years have passed. People who were once my senior, my mother's friends, now have children my age, or only slightly older. Rather than courtesy titles "Mr. and Mrs.", it has become, for the most part, expected that I use first names. It's a terribly odd feeling of warped De-ja-vu.
Either way, Bailey and Logan had a fabulous time. Danny got to make contacts in the homeschooling community, which has been his goal for some time now. The idea of homeschooling excites him; it brings a bit of life to his worn-looking eyes. He really seems to be thrilled to be able to do so many amazing things with his children in the name of education.

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