Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A day at the park...

It is FINALLY starting to get slightly less than horribly hot here. I mean, yes, it's still sweltering, walk-out-side-and-die hot and humid. But less so than it was a few weeks ago.

Teryl called and asked if we could bring the kids to the park, as there were a group of homeschoolers meeting there. So, we made Bailey a peanut butter sandwich, and off we went.

It's always an odd thing to revisit something after years have passed. People who were once my senior, my mother's friends, now have children my age, or only slightly older. Rather than courtesy titles "Mr. and Mrs.", it has become, for the most part, expected that I use first names. It's a terribly odd feeling of warped De-ja-vu.

Either way, Bailey and Logan had a fabulous time. Danny got to make contacts in the homeschooling community, which has been his goal for some time now. The idea of homeschooling excites him; it brings a bit of life to his worn-looking eyes. He really seems to be thrilled to be able to do so many amazing things with his children in the name of education.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Hat of a Different Color...

As if I don't have enough laudry to do (those of you who know Dan understand why there is a never-ending mound of laundry)...

Well, we got a new dresser a few weeks ago. It's nice, big enough for most of our stuff, we got a great deal on it, and I didn't have to do any of the carrying. A total win, in my opinion.
Bailey can reach the drawers on this dresser, as it's long and short - a lowboy, the sales woman called it. So, she delights herself frequently in emptying and rearranging the drawers of the dresser. Poor Danny... one day, his socks are where they belong and the next they are scattered at random among the small blue and pink onesies. But, at the least, this is an improvement over Bailey's former obsession with the dirty laundry.

Today, Bailey emptied out the drawers belonging to her and Logan. She proceeded to carry pieces of clothing, one-by-one, into my already toy-filled family room. "Hat!" she happily proclaimed, bringing each one out. Logan watched with half-distracted interest.

Once she had brought the appropriate number of clothes from the bedroom - and I have no idea how she picked that amount, but she was very specific - she proceeded to give herself and Logan "hats" from the clothing.

Both Logan and I found it quite amusing for a great deal of time.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just a quick congratulations...

to Danny for passing his health, life and variable annuities license test.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Logan discoverd Zoe..

Logan finally discovered Zoe today. Odd, considering they've been living in the same place for a very long time.

But, apparently, the saying is true, and absence does make the heart grow fonder, because when Zoe returned from her month-long exile, Logan fell instantly in love. He's spent hours following her around the house, trying to grab her tail and laughing when Zoe kissed his face..

Friday, September 5, 2008

And a big shout out to SDP...

for the gigantic, monstorous, totally-unnecessary fancy-pants TV that arrived at my home today.

As if our lives aren't chaotic, distracted and busy enough without a 40-something-inch plasma distraction...

I'm pretty sure that no one from SDP reads this.. if you do, I'm certain that if Dan gave you the link, he has assessed that you can accuratly understand and respond to sarcasm.

Seriously, congratulations to Danny. Great job, babe. I'm so proud of you.

By the way, any encouragement for Daniel to shave and cut his hair would be greatly appreciated.