Bailey, on the other hand, thought whatever was going on was the most fun she's ever had! She quickly got into the habit of "knock on dor" (knocking on the door), and loved the atention. Of course, she had no idea what we said when we said, "take one candy." So, she'd take one and put it into her bag, then she'd grab another and look up at whomever was holding the bowl. She was just so darn cute that they kept letting her grab piece after piece. We're going to have candy from now till Christmas.
In other updates.. nothing much here. Bailey is repeating EVERY WORD that anyone says, for better or worse. Yesterday, she told me, "sdinky, need baff" ("I'm stinky and need a bath.") and today, she started crawling around on the ground and wagging her kitty cat tail, telling dan, "ha ha, b so funnyy" (bailey is so funny). She loves to be told she's pretty.
Logan hates to be left alone. He is going through a stage of screaming when someone leaves them room, then laughing until they reenter. Poor baby. :-(