4H project.
Anyway, so, we have this half a bushel of orchard fresh apples. No idea what we're going to DO with them all... maybe we'll make apple butter and can it... not that we really know how to do that.
Today, Bailey was eating eggs for breakfast. For the last two days, the child has been extraordinarily hungry. I mean, starving. Yesterday, she ate three adult-sized meals and two snacks, plus icecream for dessert.
She told me about half an hour into eating her eggs and toast "mommii, alll don." So I got her out of her little booster seat. As I was cleaning up, I noticed that someone ate bites of an apple, then put it back.
I asked her if she wanted to eat the apple, she said, "uhhn-uhh!" I asked if she'd taken bites of the apple, then put it back. She let out a string of baby babble, ending with, "yoki dooiinn'".
Riiigghhhttt... Logan ate the apple. Not that he wouldn't if given half a chance, but he doesn't have enough teeth.
I guess stolen apples are sweeter...

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