We got Bailey and Logan an order of Chic Fil A chicken nuggets and fries, and dan got lo-meign from the chinese food place.
Logan SCREAMED. He screamed and screamed and screamed. His whole face was red, tears were running down his cheeks, and no matter what I did, he wouldn't stop. He would put a chicken nugget in his mouth, then pull it out and scream. I'd put the fry in his mouth, and he'd pull it out and scream. I'd give him his bottle, and he'd scream even louder. He's had chicken nuggets and fries before -- not often, but he has had them. Bailey gets them rarely, she views them as a special treat when she's eaten all her meals for a few days at a time.
By this point, the people sitting around us were getting impatient, and Dan realized that there was a good chance I was going to scream, too. So, Dan picked Logan up and held him.
Logan instantly grabbed fistfulls of the lomeigh noodles and shoved them in his mouth. The screaming stopped. He slurped up the noodles whole and swallowed them, almost without chewing.
Obviously, the chicken was just not what he had ordered...

1 comment:
Aw! that's too cute!! Definatly knows what he wants!!
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